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Touching and to be touched: "movere" in dance (103)

Principal Investigator:


The project examines the question of how the various types of physical contact in dance are connected with the evocation of feelings. The intention is to examine the phenomenon of "movere" from a double perspective: as movement and touching of the body on the one hand, and as being moved/touched in the emotional sense on the other.

In three fields of inquiry - contemporary artistic dance, contact improvisation and tango - the relation between movement, contact and emotion is to be analyzed. The detailed investigation of different forms of contact in dance, in which sensor, motor and affective threads come together, demonstrates how Dance Studies can make a contribution to emotional research.


Brandstetter, G. (2014). „Senses of Movement“ Kinesthetics and Synesthetics in Contemporary Dance Practices. Michaels, A., Wulf, Christoph (Ed.), Exploring the Senses 221-233. New Delhi/Oxon: Routledge.

Zubarik, S. (2014). 'Gime, bandoneón, tu tango gris' - Verkörperungen von Trauer im Tango Argentino. Hiergeist, T., Gillhuber, L., Linzmaier, L., D., S., Zubarik, S. (Ed.), Corpus. Frankfurt/ Main: Peter Lang.

Brandstetter, G. (2013). Fantasies of the Catastrophe: Embodiment and Kinaesthetic Awareness in the Performance-Installation of Naoko Tanaka’s ‚Die Scheinwerferin’. Anker, S., Flach, S. (Ed.), Embodied Fantasies. From Awe to Artifice. 139-150. Bern: Peter Lang.

Brandstetter, G. (2013). 'Listening' Kinesthetic Awareness in Contemporary Dance’. Brandstetter, G., Egert, G., Zubarik, S. (Ed.), Touching and Being Touched. Kinesthesia and Empathy in Dance and Movement. 163-179. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

Brandstetter, G. (2013). ’Listening’. Kinaesthetic Awareness und Energie in zeitgenössischen Bewegungspraktiken. Gronau, B. (Ed.), Szenarien der Energie. Zur Ästhetik und Wissenschaft des Immateriellen. 183-199. Bielefeld: transcript.

Brandstetter, G., Egert, G., Zubarik, S., (Ed.) (2013.) Touching and Being Touched. Kinesthesia and Empathy in Dance and Movement. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

Brandstetter, G., Egert, G., Zubarik, S. (2013). Touching and Being Touched. Motion, Emotion, and Modes of Contact. Brandstetter, G., Egert, G., Zubarik, S. (Ed.), Touching and Being Touched. Kinesthesia and Empathy in Dance and Movement. 3-10. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

Egert, G. (2013). The Fault Lines: The Future (Im-)Perfect of Melancholia and Movement. Noulas, V., Czirak, A., Siouzouli, N. (Ed.), Melancholy and Politics. 16-21. Athen: Magazine for Live Arts Research.

Egert, G. (2013). The Fault Lines (Τα Ρήγματα): Μελαγχολία και κίνηση σε ατελή χρόνο τετελεσμένου μέλλοντος. Noulas, V., Czirak, A., Siouzouli, N. (Ed.), Μελαγχολία και Πολιτική. 16-21. Athen: Περιοδική έκδοση για τις παραστατικές τέχνες.

Egert, G. (2013). Movements of Touch in MAYBE FOREVER. Brandstetter, G., Egert, G., Zubarik, S. (Ed.), Touching and Being Touched. Kinesthesia and Empathy in Dance and Movement. 63-82. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

Zubarik, S. (2013). ’Touch me if you can’ - The practice of close embrace as a facilitator of kinesthetic empathy in Argentine tango. Brandstetter, G., Egert, G., Zubarik, S. (Ed.), Touching and Being Touched. Kinesthesia and Empathy in Dance and Movement 275-292. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.

Brandstetter, G. (2011). Extreme Gesten, monströse Körper. Körpertransformationen im zeitgenössischen Tanz in Europa. Tamura, K. (Ed.), Schauplatz der Verwandlungen. Variationen über Inszenierung und Hybridität. 15-31. München: Iudicium.

Brandstetter, G. (2011). "Listening..." - Kinaesthetic Awareness in Contemporary Dance. Fingerhut, J., Flach, S., Söffner, J. (Ed.) Habitus in Habitat III. Synesthesia and Kinaesthetic. 51-68. Bern et al.: Peter Lang.

Brandstetter, G., Linke, S. (2011). Sich langziehen. Albers, I., Dziobek, I., Hurtzig, H. (Ed.), Fühlt weniger! Dialoge über Emotionen. 89-95. Berlin: Theater der Zeit.

Brandstetter, G. (2011). Berührung im Tanz. Zu Meg Stuart und Jefta van Dinther. Apostrophe der Liebe.

Brandstetter, G. (2011). Berührungspunkte. Begreifen - berühren. Übergänge.

Brandstetter, G. (2009). Movement and Metaphor. Verkörperung von Bewegungsbildern im Tanz. Verkörperungen. Romainmôtier.