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Call for Papers: Metaethics Workshop at Freie Universität Berlin

Following four successful years of the Buenos Aires Metaethics Workshop under the auspices of the Center for Advanced Studies in Philosophy and Phenomenology, The Languages of Emotion Programme at Freie Universität Berlin invites submissions for one hour presentations for the first Berlin edition of the yearly Metaethics Workshop which will take place from August 15th to August 20th 2013 at the Freie Universität Berlin.

News vom 07.05.2013

This year the theme of the workshop shall be Moral Psychology and Ethics of Emotions. The invitation is open to scholars approaching the topic from all fields and traditions, though philosophical considerations will take priority.


The purpose of the workshop is to provide a laboratory for the development and articulation of new directions in ethics as well as a space for people from different traditions and areas to discuss common issues.

Since the topic dwells at the crossroads of philosophy, psychology and neuroscience, we encourage prospective participants to submit presentations approaching the topic from domains other than ethics itself.


Rather than read, participants are requested to give presentations of the arguments and position in a colloquial manner so as to facilitate discussion. There will be one session a day, which will consist of the presentation which should last no longer than one hour followed by a non-moderated discussion. This format, which has been the format of previous workshops guarantees that each participant will be given ample time to develop and discuss his work in a focused manner. On account of this and as in previous years, the workshop will accept a limited number of participants.

The seminar will be conducted in English.


Abstracts must not exceed 1000 words and must be submitted and should be accompanied by a CV. Non-presenting participants will be considered. Please specify your intention in the email.

Submissions must be made in electronic form to l.eggert@kosmopolitica.org before June 1st, 2013.

Contact information

Dr. Johannes Windrich: johannes.windrich@fu-berlin.de and

Dr. Martin Gak: m.gak@kosmopolitica.org


June 1st, 2013