How are affective word ratings related to lexico-semantic properties? Evidence from the Sussex Affective Word List (SAWL)
Citron, F. M. M., Weekes, B. S., Ferstl, E. C. – 2014
Emotional content of verbal material affects the speed of visual wordrecognition in various cognitive tasks, independently of lexico-semanticvariables. However, little is known about how the dimensions ofemotional arousal and valence interact with the lexico-semanticproperties of words such as age of acquisition (AoA), familiarity andimageability, that determine word recognition performance. This studyaimed to examine these relationships using English ratings for affectiveand lexico-semantic features. Eighty-two native English speakers rated300 words for emotional valence, arousal, familiarity, AoA andimageability. Although both dimensions of emotion were correlated withlexico-semantic variables, a unique emotion cluster produced thestrongest quadratic relationship. This finding suggests that emotionshould be included in models of word recognition as it is likely to makean independent contribution.Norms available at